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команды в чат

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команды в чат Empty команды в чат

Сообщение автор Goro Вс Фев 06, 2011 2:33 am

выход из тимы {/teamdisband 2v2}

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команды в чат Empty Re: команды в чат

Сообщение автор Goro Вс Фев 06, 2011 2:41 am

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команды в чат Empty Re: команды в чат

Сообщение автор Goro Вс Фев 06, 2011 2:56 am

/?, /h, /help
Displays some help about using various commands.
/a, /assist [player]
Assists [player] or your current target by targetting what they are targetting.
/camp, /logout
Starts the logout progress, after which you will be returned to the Character Select screen.
/cast, /spell <spell>
Casts the spell or uses the ability <spell>.
Toggles writing of the combat log to your hard disk.
Dismounts you.
Your mount will do a special emotion (not all mounts capable to do so).
/equip <item>
Equips any equip able item in your inventory.
/exit, /quit
Starts the logout process, after which World of Warcraft will completely exit.
/f, /fol, /follow [player]
Starts automatically following [player] or your current target.
/ins, /inspect [player]
Inspects [player] or your current target. Can be used across factions since patch 2.4.
Opens Knowledge Base
Displays the total amount of time played.
/rand, /random, /rnd, /roll [minimum] [maximum]
Rolls a random number between [minimum] and [maximum], inclusive. If only one number is given, then the range is defined as 1 to that number. If no numbers are given, then 1 to 100 is used. This number is then displayed to everyone in the same party or raid group as yourself and to everybody within /say range.
/tar, /target <target>
Attempts to target the player named by <target>. (See TargetByName for details of how this works.)
Displays the current in game time. (This is the time displayed on the clock tooltip.)
/tr, /trade [player]
Brings up the trade dialog with [player] or your current target.
/use [item]
uses the specified item (food, trinkets ect)
/who [search]
Searches based on the given parameter, or runs a default search if no search is specified. The results of the search will be listed in the chat window. If no search is specified, the search dialog will be displayed.
Reload the user interface. May be usefull when an addon fails and must be restarted, as you can do this with this command without having to logout.
Chat Commands Edit

These commands are used to say things to other players. Unless otherwise noted, these channels are displayed in your current language. So, for example, if a Night Elf is currently speaking in Darnassian, Human players would not be able to understand them.
/e, /em, /emote, /me <message>
Emotes <message> to all players in the general area, similar to /say, except displayed as "Player <message>". So, for example, "/emote loves the WOW Wiki." would be displayed as "Player loves the WOW Wiki." Unlike other chat commands, this one does not use your current language. Across faction boundaries it simply displays "Player makes some strange gestures."
/bg <message>
Displays <message> to all other raid members while in a PvP battleground.
/c, /csay <channel> <message>
Sends <message> to all players in <channel>. This does not use your current language. You can also use /# (where # is the channel number) to send a message to <channel>.
/g, /gc, /gu, /guild <message>
Displays <message> to all members in your guild.
/o, /osay <message>
Displays <message> to all officers in your guild. (You must have the 'Officer Chat Speak' privilege to use this)
/p, /party <message>
Displays <message> to all other party members. This does not include other people in your raid group, use /raid for that.
/r, /reply <message>
Replies to the last player to send you a /whisper
/ra, /raid, /rsay <message>
Displays <message> to all other raid members. While in a PvP battleground, use /bg instead.
/s, /say <message>
Displays <message> to other players in the general area.
/send, /t, /tell, /w, /whisper <player> <message>
Sends the private message <message> to <player>. No other players will see the message.
/sh, /shout, /y, /yell <message>
Displays <message> to other players in the area. The area of players that will see the message is larger than the area when /say is used.
/v <macro>
Plays the sound associated with the given voice macro <macro>.
Online Status Edit
/afk [message]
Toggles Away From Keyboard status. <AFK> status appears next to your name. This command also forces an immediate exit from any PvP battleground. If you enter a message, players sending you a /whisper will be sent this message in addition to the standard <AFK> message.
/dnd [message]
Toggles Do Not Disturb status. When DND is set, you cannot receive /whisper messages. A player attempting to send a /whisper will be notified that you have Do Not Disturb set. If you specify a message, they will also be sent that message.
Friends List Edit
/friend, /friends [player]
Adds [player] or your current target to your friends list. If nothing is targeted, your friend list will be displayed. See /remfriend.
/ignore [player]
Ignore chat messages from [player] or your current target. Use /unignore to undo this.
/remfriend, /removefriend [player]
Removes [player] or your current target from your friends list. See /friends.
/unignore [player]
Remove [player] or your current target from your ignore list. See /ignore.

More Party / Raid Commands Edit
Dungeon Finder (the new lfg tool introduced in 3.3)
Looking For Raid (tool)
/i, /inv, /invite [player]
Invites [player] or your current target.
/kick, /u, /un, /uninvite [player]
Removes [player] or your current target from the party.
/pr, /promote [player]
Makes [player] or your current target the party leader if you are currently the party leader.
/split <money>
Divides <money> among your group. (Presumably this is an integer in copper?) Removed in patch 1.9.1 because of several incidents where People accidentially gave their money to others.
See Raid timer for more information; shows remaining time on saved raid instances.
Also shows an instance ID to compare with other players (if you have the same saved ID as them, you will go into the same instance).
Send raid warning text. This is only available to raid leaders and assistants. The message appears in large letters in the middle of the screen of raid members, usually with a warning tone.
A ready check sends an "Are you ready?" Yes/No dialog window to all players in the raid. The raid leader will get feedback in 30 seconds on all the players who were not ready or who did not respond. Only raid leaders can do this.
Looting Edit
Changes the looting method to Free For All if you are the party leader.
Changes the looting method to Group Loot if you are the party leader.
/master [player]
Changes the looting method to Master Looter with [player] or your current target if you are the party leader.
Changes the looting method to Need Before Greed if you are the party leader.
Changes the looting method to Round Robin if you are currently the party leader.
Guild Commands Edit

Guild commands are used to handle various guild functions such as inviting people to the guild, leaving the guild, promoting and demoting members, and other various functions.
/gdisband, /guilddisband
Disbands the entire guild. You must be the guild leader to use this.
/ghelp, /guildhelp
This command appears to have been removed, but it would display the following:
For now, to create a guild type 'guildcreate <guild name>' in the console.
'/ginfo' gives some basic information about your guild
'/g <message>' sends a chat message to all members of your guild
'/o <message>' sends a chat message to all officers in your guild
'/ginvite <player>' invites another player to join your guild
'/gremove <player>' removes a player from your guild
'/gpromote <player>' promotes a player one rank within your guild
'/gdemote <player>' demotes a player one rank within your guild
'/gmotd <message>' sets the guild's message of the day
'/gquit' removes you from your guild
'/groster' gives an entire guild roster
'/gleader <player>' sets another player as the guild leader
'/gdisband' disbands your guild
/ginfo, /guildinfo
Gives basic information about your guild.
/ginvite, /guildinvite [player]
Invites [player] or your current target into your guild. You must be an officer to use this command.
/gleader, /guildleader [player]
Changes the guild leader to [player] or your current target. The player must already be a guild member. Only the guild leader can use this.
Note: The new guildleader needs to be online at the moment you want to give it.
/gquit, /guildquit
Leaves your current guild.
/gmotd, /guildmotd <message>
Changes the guild Message of the Day to <message>. You must be an officer to use this command.
/gpromote, /guildpromote [player]
Promotes [player] or your current target.
/gdemote, /guilddemote [player]
Demotes [player] or your current target.
/groster, /guildroster
Displays the guild roster
/gremove, /guildremove
Removes [player] or your current target from your guild. You must be an officer to use this command.
Saves a GuildRoster.txt (tsv dos file) in \World of Warcraft\Logs\
Name Level Class Location Rank Note Timestamp (0=online) in tab separated format.

Channel Commands Edit

These are commands use to manipulate channels. Channels are very similar to IRC rooms. General, Trade, and LocalDefense are all examples of channels, but the /join command can be used to create arbitrary server-wide channels.

<channel> below is a numeric channel number that is defined when you enter the channel. You can list current channel numbers using /chatlist. (You can also use the channel name?) <channelname> on the other hand is a named channel. Channels are unique to a given faction. Channel names cannot contain spaces.
/ann, /announce <channel>
Toggles announcing when players enter or leave <channel>.
Removes and prevents <player> from joining <channel>. See /unban for the reverse. Only <channel&gt moderator and owner can do this.
/c, /csay <channel> <message>
Sends <message> to all players in <channel>. This does not use your current language. You can also use /# (where # is the channel number) to send a message to <channel>.
/chatinvite, /cinvite <channel> <player>
Invites <player> to <channel>?
/chan, /channel, /join <channelname> [password]
Joins <channel>, with an optional password if the channel is password protected.
/chat, /chathelp
Displays the following information about the commands within this section:
Chat commands:
/#, /c, /csay - Send text to channel # (E.G. /1 Hi!)
/chat, /chathelp - This help
/join, /channel, /chan - Join a channel
/leave, /chatleave, /chatexit [channel] - Leave a channel (or all channels)
/chatlist, /chatwho, /chatinfo [channel] - List channels, or channel members
/password, /pass <channel> <password> - Change password
/owner <channel> [player] - Display or change channel owner
/mod, /moderator, /unmod, /unmoderator <channel> <player> - change a player's moderator status
/mute, /squelch, /unvoice, /unmute, /unsquelch, /voice <channel> <player> - change a player's permission
/cinvite, /chatinvite <channel> <player> - invite a player to a channel
/ckick <channel> <player> - kick a player off a channel
/ban, /unban <channel> <player> - ban/unban a player from a channel
/announcements, /ann <channel> - toggle join/leave announcements on a channel
/moderate <channel> - toggle moderation on a channel
/afk, /dnd - Set your Away From Keyboard or Do Not Disturb flags
/chatexit, /chatleave, /leave [channel]
Leaves all channels or only [channel] if specified.
/chatinfo, /chatlist, /chatwho [channel]
Lists available channels, or players in [channel] if specified.
/ckick <channel> <player>
Kicks <player> from <channel>. (You need to be a moderator to do this?)
/mod, /moderator <channel> <player>
Grants <player> moderator status on <channel>. See /unmoderator for the reverse. (You need to be channel owner to do this?)
/mute, /squelch, /unvoice <channel> <player>
Prevent <player> from speaking in <channel>. See /unmute for the reverse.
/owner <channel> [player]
Displays the owner of <channel> if [player] isn't given. If [player] is given, then grants [player] ownership of <channel>? (You need to be channel owner to do this?)
/pass, /password <channel> <password>
Sets the password for <channel> to <password>
/unban <channel> <player>
Allows <player> to join <channel>. See /ban for the reverse. (You need to be a moderator to do this?)
/unmod, /unmoderator <channel> <player>
Revokes <player>'s moderator status on <channel>. See /moderator for the reverse. (You need to be channel owner to do this?)
/unmute, /unsquelch, /voice <channel> <player>
Allow <player> to speak in <channel>. See /mute for the reverse. (You need to be a moderator to do this?)
PVP Edit
Activates the PvP Flag.
/duel [player]
Attempts to start a duel with [player] or your current target. The player will have to accept the duel before it is started.
/concede, /forfeit, /yield
Cancels a duel that's currently in progress.
/teamquit [2v2, 3v3, 5v5]
Leave Arena Team
/teamdisband [2v2, 3v3, 5v5]
Disband Arena Team
/teaminvite [2v2, 3v3, 5v5] [player]
Invite [player] to your Arena Team
/teamremove [2v2, 3v3, 5v5] [player]
Kick [player] from your Arena Team
/teamcaptain [2v2, 3v3, 5v5] [player]
Sets new team leader
Console / Scripting / Macros Edit
/console <command>
Attempts to run <command> within the console. See Console variables.
/run, /script <script>
Runs <script> as Lua script. See the World of Warcraft API.
/m, /macro [macro]
Displays the macro frame. At one point it would run [macro] if specified, but that ability is currently disabled.
Displays some information on how to create macros.
/timetest [flag]
/timetest is a command that can be run to provide information on game performance. If [flag] is specified as 0, the command will be turned off. When the command is issued, the next time a player uses a flight master to travel, certain statistics will be measured and displayed at the end of that flight. All weather effects and spawns are shutdown during the test.
Other Fun and Useful Slash Commands Edit
Brings up the Achievement window.

See Emotes for a more complete list.
/attacktarget [target]
/beckon [target]
/beg [target]
/bite [target]
/bow [target]
Say you will Be Right Back
/chicken [target]
make a chicken bawking sound at someone
/cheer [target]
/chuckle [target]
/comfort [target]
/cough [target]
/cry [target]
/curtsey [target]
/dance [target]
/drool [target]
/doom [target]
/eye [target]
/fart [target]
/flirt [target]
/flap [target]
same concept to /chicken command
/gasp [target]
/gloat [target]
/golfclap [target]
/greet [target]
/grin [target]
/groan [target]
/guffaw [target]
/happy [target]
/highfive [target]
/hug [target]
/kiss [target]
/kneel [target]
/laugh [target]
/lay [target]
you lie down
/lie [target]
you lie down
/love [target]
/massage [target]
/moan [target]
/mock [target]
/moo [target]
you moo
/moon [target]
/mourn [target]
out of mana (spoken and emoted)
/pick [target]
tells you how long you have played in total and at your current level
/point [target]
point at something
/poke [target]
/ponder [target]
changes on what race and gender you are
/roar [target]
/rofl [target]
/ruffle [target]
/scratch [target]
/search [target]
/shindig [target]
/shoo [target]
/sigh [target]
/silly [target]
tell a joke
sit down
/slap [target]
/smile [target]
/smirk [target]
/sniff [target]
/sorry [target]
/spit [target]
/stink [target]
/tap [target]
/taunt [target]
/thank [target]
/threaten [target]
/tickle [target]
choo choo sounds
/usetalents [spec number]
patch 3.1 dual spec. /usetalents 1 or /usetalents 2
/victory [target]
/violin [target]
/wave [target]
/wait [target]
/wink [target]
makes you cheer
/wrath [target]
/yawn [target]

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команды в чат Empty Re: команды в чат

Сообщение автор Goro Вс Фев 06, 2011 2:57 am

/w [игрок] [сообщение] - Послать игроку личное сообщение. Нажимая кнопку «Tab», можно пролистывать имена игроков, которые вам недавно писали личные сообщения

/chathelp (или /chat) - Список команд чата

/em [сообщение] (или /me) - Создать эмоцию

/exit - Выйти из игры

/follow (или /f) - Следовать за выбранным игроком

/ignore [игрок] - Игнорировать игрока

/unignore [игрок] - Исключить игрока из списка игнорируемых

/invite [игрок] (или /inv) - Пригласить выбранного игрока в группу

/logout - Выйти к экрану выбора персонажа

/party [сообщение] (или /p) - Послать сообщение в чат группы

/played - Показать время, проведенное в игре за текущего персонажа

/pvp - Включить режим PVP, когда ваш персонаж может быть атакован игроком противоположной фракции

/random [X] [Y] - Генерировать случайное число в диапазоне от Х до У. Если У не указан, то число будет выбрано в диапазоне от 1 до Х. Данная «слеш команда» часто используется, когда нужно определить кому достанется предмет. Выпавшее число будет показано в чате, и игроки в группе определят кому «повезло»

/r - Ответить на последнее личное сообщение. Вы так же можете пролистывать список игроков кнопкой «Tab»

/say [сообщение] (или /s) - Послать сообщение игрокам, находящимся недалеко от вас

/sit - Сесть. Ваш персонаж восстанавливает запас жизни и манны быстрее, когда он сидит

/stand - Встать. Ваш персонаж встанет, если сидел

/who - Показать список игроков онлайн

/yell [сообщение] (или /y) - Послать сообщение всем игрокам, находящимся в одной зоне с вами. Некоторые могут посчитать это спамом, используйте эту команду по делу

/cast - Позволяет использовать заклинание по его названию. Например, «/cast Fireball (Rank 1)». Эта команда часто используется в макросах. Чтобы не писать название заклинания, нажмите на иконку заклинания с зажатой клавишей «Shift»


Команды чата

/#, /c, /csay - Послать сообщения на канал # (пример: /1 Привет!)

/announcements, /ann - Изменить сообщение, отображаемое при входе/выходе на канал

/afk, /dnd - Включить состояние Away From Keyboard (Далеко от клавиатуры) или Do Not Disturb (Не беспокоить)

/ban, /unban - Забанить/разбанить игрока на канале

/chatlist, /chatwho, /chatinfo [канал] - Список каналов, участников канала

/cinvite, /chatinvite - Пригласить игрока на канал

/join, /channel, /chan - Присоединиться к каналу

/kick - Кикнуть игрока с канала

/leave, /chatleave,
/chatexit [канал] - Покинуть канал (или все каналы)

/mod, /moderator,
/unmod, /unmoderator Поменять статус игрока

/moderate - Изменить модерацию на канале

/mute, /squelch, /unvoice,
/unmute, /unsquelch, /voice - Поменять права доступа для игрока

/password, /pass [канал] [пароль] - Поменять пароль


Команды для Гильдии

Стоит отметить, что часть этих команд могут использовать только офицеры или лидер Гильдии.

/ginfo - Информация о вашей Гильдии

/g [сообщение] - Послать сообщение членам Гильдии

/o [сообщение] - Послать сообщение всем офицерам Гильдии

/ginvite [игрок] - Пригласить игрока в вашу Гильдию

/gremove [игрок] - Удалить игрока из вашей Гильдии

/gpromote [игрок] - Повысить ранг игрока в Гильдии

/gdemote [игрок] - Понизить ранг игрока в Гильдии

/gmotd [сообщение] - Установить сообщение дня для Гильдии

/gquit - Выйти из Гильдии

/groster - Доступ к ростеру Гильдии (только для офицеров и лидера)

/gleader - [игрок] Назначить другого игрока лидером Гильдии (только для лидера)

/gdisband - Расформировать Гильдию (только для лидера)

Голосовые команды

Эти команды сопровождаются звуком! Голос зависит от расы и пола вашего персонажа.

/help - Призыв помочь

/inc - Приближается враг! Используйте эту команду, чтобы предупредить команду о приближающихся врагах

/charge - Наступать

/flee - Отступать

/attack - Атаковать

/oom - Мана на исходе

/fol - Следуйте за мной

/wait - Ждать

/heal - Лечить

/cheer - Приветственное восклицание

/fire - Открыть огонь

/rasp - Соблюдать тишину

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команды в чат Empty Re: команды в чат

Сообщение автор Tweak Вс Фев 06, 2011 3:10 am

неплохо =)

Возраст : 93

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